Secure Network





For many businesses and organisations, large or small, even understanding their cyber security responsibilities is deemed complex and  challenging. It is from this fundamental starting point that cyber criminals feed and  begin their lucrative, though illegal, operations.

Often, a lack of security focus combined with complacency, senior executives failing in their responsibilities and knowledge of simple, even basic security protocols.

Network and cyber security gets designated to IT staff, who have an entirely different primary focus. IT departments generally lack security expertise, are under resourced and overstretched just “keeping the lights on” 

Add in a misguided “head in the sand” attitude in the boardroom that, “it won’t happen to us” results in cyber security incidents / attacks, becoming breaches that could ALL have been avoided.

Data loss, business disruption or shutdown, investigations, fines and significant financial loss, allied to reputational damage are just some of the consequences of a security breach.

With our affordable, cost-effective and professional Cyber Security Assessment, (CSA), we can help you avoid costly breaches and provide assurance to executives, peace of mind to all employees and  stakeholders, whilst providing security expertise and a cyber improvement roadmap to your existing IT staff,  whilst supporting your CISO or security personnel, if you have them.

Our initial consultation is without charge or obligation and is NOT a sales focussed meeting, it is a confidential, non technical conversation to understand your current situation and challenges.

It allows both parties to evaluate, if and how, we may be of service, be that with our CSA or other services from our comprehensive security portfolio

We believe that organisations need expertise from a trusted partner that not only has skills in numerous cyber security disciplines, but also understands business factors to truly understand cyber related risks.

Our certified teams of individuals and fully accredited external professional partners have over 30 years communications network experience, gaining extensive understanding of defensive security strategy and technology as well as offensive security techniques. They have experience working strategically with organisations of all sizes, across multiple industry sectors and frequently deliver professional advice and services, including strategic review, audit and planning, without sales bias or pressure, that can only come from an independent, fully qualified security partner that is NOT tied to any software vendor or product manufacturer.


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Cyber Security Assessments

We offer hassle free Cyber Assessments to assess the extent to which cyber risks to your business.

Cyber Essentials Accreditation

Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber-attacks.

Cyber-attacks come in many shapes and sizes, but the vast majority are very basic in nature, carried out by relatively unskilled individuals. They’re the digital equivalent of a thief trying your front door to see if it’s unlocked. Our advice is designed to prevent these attacks

There are two levels of certification, Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus.

Cyber Essentials

This is a self-assessment questionnaire (SAQ) through the form of an online portal. The SAQ consists of roughly 70 questions on the 5 controls that Cyber Essentials focuses on.


Both levels of certification need renewing on an annual basis.